

We have grown to believe that Samatex is the right partner for our organization. Our company is very much aligned with them, we share the same vision, ethics and customer centricit
Robin van Staveren

Robin van Staveren

Account Manager at iRecommend
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X.
Jørgen J. Hansen

Jørgen J. Hansen

Regional Management at Globax


Ubicación: SIGA El Dorado Calle de la Bola No.2
Fracc. Residencial el Dorado, Tlalnepantla México
C.P. 54020
Tels/Fax: 5379-15-99, 5379-15-64, 5379-16-55

Ubicación: SIGA Centro José Antonio Torres No. 545.
Col. Vista Alegre Del. Cuauhtémoc México D.F.
C.P. 06860
Tels/Fax: 5740-11-23, 5740-61-53, 5740-06-23

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